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6 Reasons You Should Work for A Healthcare Staffing Agency

Many Nurses have asked, “Why should I work with a staffing agency?” Are there hidden benefits that you have not thought about regarding the benefits of working with a staffing agency? Have you ever critically analyzed the financial benefits amongst other merits of working with a reputable staffing agency?

In this article, we will review six important reasons why you should consider a career as a temporary or Travel Nurse. In our “ How to work with a staffing agency” we further took a critical look at different ways to effectively collaborate with Medical Staffing Agencies or Healthcare Staffing Agencies to achieve your goal’s. Without further ado let’s look at some benefits of working with a medical staffing agency.

1. Generous Pay

If you are like me, and before pursuing any opportunity, we all ask ourselves what is in it for me? Yes, life is not always about the money. I totally agree and believe that nursing is a calling, and therefore not for everybody. Caring is the core of nursing as a profession. Thus it comes first.

However, and I hope you agree with me, it is challenging for nurses to take care of others if we are unable to first and foremost fulfill our individual and family needs. We need to take care of ourselves just as we do love and take care of others.

Therefore, looking for better-paying opportunities should be an utmost priority for each Professional Nurse regardless of their specialty be it Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses or Certified Nursing Assistants. Working with, and for a healthcare staffing agency provides the opportunities to earn a better income, better themselves and their families and therefore, be in a better position to be able to take care of their patients as compare to their permanent or full-time counterparts.

Each extra dollar earned each hour adds up making a huge difference in your life. Medical Healthcare staffing agency is thus a Nurse's gateway to financial freedom.

I should point out that income differs on your geographical location, competition, and perceived nursing shortage among other factors. However, medical or healthcare staffing agencies do pay in most cases double the full-time employee's salary range. To make it even more appealing, these generous wage payments are even made better by daily or weekly payments. You get paid at the end of your shift- Money in your account after a day of hard work.

2. Flexibility/ Self Scheduling/Open Scheduling

Another great benefit of working with a medical or healthcare staffing agency is flexibility in your schedule. You can decide to work as much as you can for a period, then take a prolonged time off with your family as needed. Working with a staffing agency will allow you to plan, and manage your time effectively, without the requirement for a fixed work schedule. Do you value the independence and flexibility of scheduling your own time? The medical or healthcare staffing agency will allow you the luxury to be creative in your work schedules. The opportunity to plan and schedule yourself is uncommon in Healthcare, especially in nursing.

3. Varied Experiences

Temporary Medical Staffing Agencies do provide staffing services for various healthcare facilities in different specialties such as Acute Care Hospitals, Rehabilitation Facilities, Acute Rehab Hospitals, Pediatric Care Units, Long Term Care Facilities, Assisted Living/ personal Care Homes among others.

With these various, multifaceted specialties served by healthcare staffing agencies, nurses can take advantage of these opportunities to practice in any of these specialties. The availability and exposure to different types of opportunities can, in fact, be utilized as a strategy for entrance into a new area of nursing with little to no prior experiences.

4. Strategy for Entrance into a New Nursing Specialty

Would you like to enrich your resume with diverse nursing specialty work experiences? Working with a Temporary Medical or Healthcare Staffing Agency can assist you to achieve that and more.

To illustrate this benefit further, let's talk of Nurse Stephanie, a new graduate Registered Nurse who as a Licensed Practical Nurse worked primarily in Geriatrics Nursing and Long-Term Pediatric nursing all her Licensed Practical Nurse Career.

After fifteen years of successful career in both specialties as a Licensed Practical Nurse. Stephanie obtained her Registered Nursing License after completing her associate degree in nursing. After commencement, it was difficult for Stephanie to successfully get placement in a hospital setting due to lack of experience.

Stephanie applied and got hired by Urgent Medical Staffing Solutions, a temporary medical staffing agency. In no time she was able to obtain and start her career as a hospice nurse and rehabilitation registered nurse. Currently, Stephanie is pursuing her certifications in palliative/hospice care and post-acute rehabilitation.

Your Healthcare Staffing agency is more than an employer, your recruiter is your free agent.

Utilize your staffing agency to better your chances of a successful career in Nursing.

5. Prevent Burnout

Working in different diverse facility environment and specialties; in addition to job flexibility and self-scheduling capabilities, nurses can avoid burnout associated with monotony and repetitions.

New opportunities offer challenging nursing assignments necessitating career expansion, advancement, and growth.

6. Opportunities for Networking

The capability of temporary staffing agency to provide multiple avenues for employment creates unending opportunities for professional networking. Opening further opportunities for you as the healthcare practitioner.

If you believe in the power of networking, working for a temporary staffing agency will widen your networking arena hence greater expanded opportunities.

As you can see, there are a lot to gain and nothing to lose by making that choice in working with a Medical Staffing Agency or a Healthcare Staffing Agency.

Urgent Medical Staffing Solutions provides excellent opportunities for all healthcare professionals. Contact Us today for more information on how to start your journey with us.

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